Life is full of diversions, accompanied by an invitation to explore
them. So! Why not accept and see what’s on offer.
As children we like things to be the same, toys, books and the same television programmes,
over and over and over again.
Repetition is the safety platform of children and the civil
servant. It is the tool of those learning new skills.
Diversions present themselves unexpectantly, as options for
the brave and those who are not afraid to experiment and explore.
Unfortunately, as adults we develop fears that control our
lives ensuring we accept the safe option.
Football players, swimmers, runners, writers, actors,
singers as well as dancers ETC will practice the same techniques over and over
again, until they become second nature, but they will still be ordinary.
The difference between good and great is between those who
explore one or more diversions, as many as possible.
Exploring diversions doesn’t guarantee greatness but it
offers the opportunity, possibilities beyond the norm.
When I talk about greatness, I don’t mean fame and fortune.
No! fame and fortune can be achieved by those who fulfil a need of the world
media and can be tossed aside as soon as someone fulfils that need cheaper or more grossly.
While greatness can be achieved by taking these diversions
and being open to new experiences, it may not be recognised until after death.
It can be the fate of the great that their creativity and
brilliance will be ignored by those less willing to explore. In fact by those travelling through their own
diversions and blinded by the possibilities and their own shortcomings.
Change is often slow, real lasting change that is, and often
the key to this is so well hidden behind the dearth of sameness, safeness and
copying, that finding it is often mistaken for creativity and excellence. The
key only opens the door, allowing you to enter into possibilities, the beginning
of the road.
In fact there is no such thing as excellence, just stepping
stones to more questions. A mean’s of creating different experiences and
answers to the unanswerable.
Of course as soon as the unanswerable is answered, new
questions present themselves, looking for answers.
This is why answers are important, because they are the
chests or goldmines that hold the future of mankind.
There will always be questions, answers and more questions
as well as discoveries that provide the answers and encourage more searches for
those who dare, digging deeper without receiving acknowledgement.
The poet never writes the perfect poem, the painter never
paints the perfect picture, the runner never runs the perfect race, but they
all have one thing in common. A curiosity that pushes them along the road that
is a ‘Diversion’.
JC-Dublin-A city crammed with diversion
JC-Dublin-A city crammed with diversion
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